Neviděný svět mění způsob, jakým všichni vnímáme obrázky. Umožňuje lidem se ztrátou zraku lépe se zapojit do vizuálního světa a zároveň vyzývá vidící lidi, aby vnímali obrazy z jejich perspektivy. Ve spolupráci s organizací RNIB.
Zjistěte více Latest Stories
How Visual SLAM creates cameras that see
How does a robot know where it is when it doesn’t have eyes? If it’s built with Visual SLAM, then it uses specially adapted Canon cameras to see.
Designing in detail for people and planet
In Canon product design, every tiny detail matters and our engineers scrutinise every millimetre for usability, environmental impact and performance.
Shared values in Sweden: How Camilla Overödder finds Canon the perfect fit
Camilla joined Canon Sweden as a B2B Service Director only a year ago, but she quickly felt the impact of a kind culture driven by shared purpose.
Giving CT scans the 'seal' of approval
Rescued seals, Vincent and Elvis, undergo CT scans so veterinarians can quickly diagnose them, treat their symptoms and return them safely to the sea.
For the love of Sudan, the last male northern white rhino
Sudan, the last male northern white rhino passed in 2018, but he continues to be a symbol of hope and determination for conservationists everywhere.
Making Yellowstone a modern-day masterpiece
Canon USA has been supporting Yellowstone National Park for nearly 30 years through technology and projects that bring the park to life for millions.
The Smaller Explorer: Inside Canon’s Micro Satellites
They’re small, light, cost-effective and massively helpful across various areas including disaster response and climate tracking. And we’re at the forefront of their development. We take a look at micro satellites and their enormous potential in fields such as climate monitoring and mapping.
Read the story People
See how together we’re changing the way people shape and support communities and society
Finding safe harbour on the Isabelle ferry
A passenger ferry is an unusual place to find a classroom. But for many Ukrainian refugees and their children, the Isabelle is not just a temporary accommodation: it’s a place to grow, learn, and inspire change.
A new experience for the Maasai Mara
Unlocking opportunities for Maasai in the Maasai Mara: Canon Experience Centre empowers locals to enhance skills and advance careers beyond safari enthusiasts.
See how together we’re changing the way people protect and preserve our planet and its environment
A voice to speak up: How climate change photography is empowering young people
For Gen Z, climate change is a source of real anxiety. Our Young People Programme is helping students to find ways to speak out using the power of photography.
The Tiny Forests enchanting communities
All over the UK, small areas of land are being transformed into so-called ‘tiny forests’, bringing biodiversity and a little bit of magic to urban communities.
See how together we're changing the way people innovate to meet the needs of a changing world
CES 2023: Future ideas that will change the world
CES in Las Vegas is always the hotly anticipated tech event of the year and in January 2023 there will be some world-changing ideas to watch out for.
Is the workspace the final conquest for the metaverse?
In our latest exploration into the metaverse, we look at the ways businesses might approach this new immersive world – as well as some of the very real challenges that doing so might present.